A relaxing juice cleanse in the Cotswolds

Our Treatments

We offer a wide range of treatments that you can choose from during your stay. The treatments are held at the retreat house (with the exception of the colonic hydrotherapy), and have been designed to support you during your detox. 

You can choose additional treatments when you book your room (this is preferable to ensure your treatments be available), or during your retreat week.

Click on the links below to access further details on the treatments available:


Full body Massage - 1 hour
A full body deep tissue massage to relieve muscle tension, release knots and induce relaxation. Massage works on three different levels, physical, mental and emotional; it will help to bring harmony and balance to a troubled mind and a tense body. Stress is a major contributor to many of our illnesses, allowing time to find deep relaxation is essential to good health. Massage is one of the quickest ways to bring about relaxation and will continue to work even after your treatment is over.
Reflexology   - 1 hour
Reflexology is an ancient, natural, holistic therapy that uses pressure on various points of the hands or feet to help treat the whole body. These points correspond to systems and structures within the body, and pressure on their reflex point will cause a response in the corresponding area of the body. The aim of the treatment is to help the body re-balance itself; your therapist will be able to identify areas of imbalance and help to correct them. Reflexology itself is not a medical treatment; it is a method of stimulating and supporting the body’s own healing abilities.
Tui Na Chinese Massage - 1 hour
Tui Na is a deep tissue Chinese massage. The practitioner uses techniques such as kneading, rolling fist, or acupressure to remove tension and blockages of life energy (Chi). Tui Na helps the muscles to relax, removing stagnation and allowing blood and Chi to flow more freely, which stimulates the body’s own healing process.
Detoxification Consultation - 1 1/2 to 2 hours
Detoxification Consultation to understand your areas of weakness, and the detoxification steps to support your journey to health. The health analysis will enhance your understanding of your body by highlighting the organs, glands and systems that are failing to work at an optimum level, suggest changes to your diet and suggest suitable herbs. This consultation combines well with an Iridology session and suggested reading is The Detox Miracle Sourcebook by Dr Morse nd.
Iridology - 45mins to 1 hour
Your eyes or more specifically your irises are an amazingly accurate window into the constitution and condition of your body. From taking a close up photo it is possible to see the levels of Lymphatic congestion, the condition of the Gastro Intestinal tract, the Nervous System and even the Glands, Organs and Spine as well. On top of this genetically weak areas can be seen that may develop problems in the future. This can be very helpful in helping a person focus on what areas of their body need healing and regeneration. During the session, the practitioner will take a picture of your iris, transfer it onto a laptop and give you a general irodolgy reading. This most helpful practice was learnt from a very special healer/iridologist and master herbalist Robert Morse N.D. as part of his training as a Detoxification Specialist. (note: true dark brown eyes can sometimes be difficult to photogragh/read).
Energy Healing & Reiki - 1 hour
Energy Healing is a therapy which works through the body's energy field (aura). A person's natural energy flow tends to go towards optimal health and wellbeing. Difficulties and negativities that are encountered in life, and held on to without being dealt with, can cause blockages in the energy flow which can lead to poor health and suffering. Energy healing is a non-invasive and gentle therapy that involves the practitioner using their hands to heal. The aim is to re-balance, clear and energize the energy fields so that the client has better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. This is normally conducted with the client lying down on a therapy table, fully clothed.
Intuitive Life Coaching - 1 hour
A powerful session, focused on your unique needs, to identify and release old patterns and help you find balance and well being.
Energy Body Realignment - 30mins
This treatment can be especially beneficial if you constantly find yourself repeating old patterns that do not work for you. On a physical level, it helps re-balance the nervous system and can be of particular benefit if you have been involved in an accident, received surgery, have recently given birth, or have to do heavy lifting. Energy Body Realignment is a very relaxing, non-invasive treatment, performed fully clothed. It can help your body realign both structurally and energetically, clearing old patterns, so that when you return home sparkling and fresh you feel clear energetically too. During a treatment, the spirit of the mugwort plant is called upon to clear any energetic blocks and address any structural imbalances. 
Personal Training - 1 hour
1:1 or 1:2 fitness training session. The sessions will be tailored to individual requirements
Colonic Hydrotherapy - Held off-site at the clinic.
A Colonic Hydrotherapy session to cleanse the colon, by repeated gentle flushing with warm filtered water under very low pressure. Specialised massage techniques are used on the tummy area to help stimulate release.